ESL and Citizenship Check-in
Spring 2024 approached BIIN extremely quickly! Thankfully with the help from our Director (Ana-Luisa) Americorp Volunteers and many other community Volunteers we have been able to start Our ESL and Citizenship classes back up.
This past week we have welcomed four new ESL Classes and two Citizenship classes. Combined Serving about 70 students. This semester our big emphasis is on helping our community acquire the necessary skills to be able to communicate efficiently in their areas of work and other places in the community. With this we have Dr. Sarah Ptomey and a few of her acquaintances helped us build an effective curriculum that caters to our specific public. With a successful first week of the course we hope that the rest of the semesters continues with ease and success.
In Citizenship Classes we have our teachers Jeremy and Rich who have been serving with BIIN for many years with very few people qualifying to have their interview in Spanish we encourage our English learners to also attend the spanish class to be able to ease the transition of learning all the required material for the Citizenship interview. This semester we have welcomed three students who have already applied and await their Interview appointment. We hope to help in their success and have the rest of the students apply when they are prepared.
We hope for the success of all of our programs with the help of many Texas A&M interns assisting in our office and program hours this Spring. The services BIIN provides would not be possible without the help of all of our Donors, Volunteers, and Interns.