Día de los Niños

Written by Galia, the daughter of our amazing BIIN Director with the help of our wonderful ESL Admin Bryson Rubendall:
On Sunday April 28th, BIIN went to Día de los niños at the grounds Fair in Bryan. In 1959, Día de los niños became a holiday in Mexico and other countries, because the kids in the Mexican Civil War and World Wars fought and worked like adults. Día de los niños is celebrated in Mexico on April 30th, to remember that children have a right to go to school, be healthy (access to doctors and food), be safe, and play with toys.
Celebrating Día de los niños in the US is important for children of immigrants because sometimes they are also immigrants or learning with their parents. Immigrants have to understand many new things. It is a kind thing that we give the kids a day to celebrate, eat candies, and play.
I went with my mommy to Día del niños, helping her run a game and give out candy to the kids while she was handing out flyers for BIIN. I got to do a lot of things. I got to play in a jumping house, ride a bull, and go through an inflatable obstacle course. I bought a bubble shooter for $15. I liked that it didn’t have an animal on it. I ate many, mini pancakes. I put sprinkles, chocolate syrup, and bananas on mine. My favorite part was riding on the bull. YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS, I had a lot of fun. The end.