BIIN at the Public Service Networking Mixer event

Brazos Interfaith Immigration Network was one of the organizations participating in the Spring 2023 Public Mixer event. As the organization relies heavily on interns and volunteers, meeting with talented students is critical to the organization’s sustainability and work. The Publix mixer event is a space to inform college students about our three main programs: English classes, citizenship classes, and the Information and Referral program, as well as our impact on the immigrant community in Bryan and College Stations. Likewise, networking with other public service organizations and discussing partnerships is essential for the success of BIIN, and the event is a platform that allows dialogue between different organizations. Additionally, the interns at BIIN had an opportunity to practice their public speaking and networking skills during the event, as the outreach interns Grace Graham and Nena Walton took the leadership role this time.
The Public Service Networking Mixer’s purpose is to provide college students with an understanding of the public service workforce and the career opportunities available in this field. Students and public service organizations meet in one room to expand their professional networks. The organizations share their missions, objectives, impact, and services and learn about the capable and talented students interested in a career in public service. The students can interact with professionals from non-profits, AmeriCorps organizations, and local, state, and federal government agencies. Before the event, the students get to see a list of organizations, and the organizations have access to interested students’ information. In that way, both parties understand what to expect during the event.

The Public Service Mixer Event occurred on February 27, 2023, at the Annenberg Presidential Center at Texas A&M University on the Bush School of Government’s campus. This is the first time this event has been hosted, and BIIN was a part of the new networking that the public service community has begun through Texas A&M. Two of BIIN’s outreach interns set up a table at the event. The display included a whiteboard with BIIN’s mission statement: “promoting the human dignity and well-being of all immigrants in our community,” business cards, and pamphlets on our programs.
We spoke to eleven college students about who BIIN is as an organization. Each of these students picked up a business card they took with them to have our information. Each individual filled out an interest form where we collected their name, email, class year, and specific interest in being involved with BIIN. Many students were interested in volunteering in our Information, Referral, and Assistance (IRA) program.

Throughout this event, we spoke to many students who did not know who BIIN was or our mission. We talked to one individual who was graduating in May of 2023. This man provided us with the perspective of someone who had just gained legal citizenship only one year after living in the United States for his entire life. He told us how his interest in public service began when he started his career path, where he could help those who needed help the most. We were able to share with him about BIIN and our mission. After hearing his story, he told us that BIIN is something he would love to be a part of, whether volunteering or even interning at some point. After speaking with him, we gained his contact information and planned to reach out with more details about our programs and ways to get involved.
Throughout this event, we spoke to many students who did not know who BIIN was or our mission. We talked to one individual who was graduating in May of 2023. This man provided us with the perspective of someone who had just gained legal citizenship only one year after living in the United States for his entire life. He told us how his interest in public service began when he started his career path, where he could help those who needed help the most. We were able to share with him about BIIN and our mission. After hearing his story, he told us that BIIN is something he would love to be a part of, whether volunteering or even interning at some point. After speaking with him, we gained his contact information and planned to reach out with more details about our programs and ways to get involved.

Being involved in the Public Service Mixer, BIIN has learned that many members of the college community need to learn what BIIN is and what we stand for. The Public Service Mixer also gave BIIN more contacts for future volunteers/interns. More than this, BIIN gained the contact information of several more non-profits wanting to assist the immigrant or Spanish-speaking community. BIIN has gained so much from this event and hopes to be invited to be a part of this once again!