Immigrant Stories: Juan Moises Soc Tajiboy

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Immigrant Stories: Juan Moises Soc Tajiboy

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Juan Moises Soc Tajiboy was born in Guatemala, but moved to College Station about 17 years ago when he was about eight years old. Juan’s life in Guatemala was not the best but he tries to remember the good memories. When he first came to the U.S. seventeen years ago, one of his most vivid memories is the confusion he had. This is because he saw all the streets looked the same to him and he did get lost and feel scared. He managed to find his way.

Juan is 25 years old and works at Torchy’s Tacos. His position is a kitchen leader. He strives to one day own or be a manager for a restaurant. Another goal of his is to learn English and be able to write it. Juan started our program here at BIIN in January of 2024, he really enjoys being able to come to class and be challenged. Juan mentioned that besides English classes he also uses an app called Duolingo, which he heard of through one of his friends. He was inspired to start using it because his friend loves to travel and for that reason, she wants to learn new languages. Therefore, he is now using it as an extra helper in his journey to learning English. He lives a simple life, he does not have kids, pets or family in college station. His routine consists of working and throughout the day he goes to the gym or for a walk. Sometimes he goes on a run at a park that has turtles. He loves observing the turtles on his run and hanging out with his friends. Although he did mention that College Station is a bit boring and there is not much to do. Yet he says he enjoys it because he does not have to worry too much about things like traffic. For instance, his commute to and from work is about six minutes and he would not have it any other way. He lives a calm, quiet and private life, so he does not take pictures but allowed us to take this picture at the top of the page in class. Juan hopes that BIIN continues to help people learn English and overall just give people opportunities to better themselves, just like BIIN has done for him.