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El Maestro Receives “Remarkable” Recognition

El Maestro Receives “Remarkable” Recognition For many people across the Brazos Valley, BIIN is synonymous with “El Maestro,” its long-time volunteer and community advocate, José Antonio Caraballo.  It is through…
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Partner Spotlight: St. Thomas Episcopal Church

Partner Spotlight: St. Thomas Episcopal Church Many of BIIN’s community partners over the years have been faith-based organizations.  BIIN itself was created by people who had witnessed the frequency with…
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Immigrant Stories: Rafael Sepulveda

Immigrant Stories: Rafael Sepulveda Rafael Sepulveda is one the faithful few that have been attending the level 3 conversational English classes at BIIN this fall, and his hard work and…
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BIIN Gives Thanks!

BIIN Gives Thanks! It’s the time of year when everywhere we turn, we are invited to express our gratitude.  Here are some of the people and things that we at…
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Partner Spotlight: St. Thomas Episcopal Church

Partner Spotlight: St. Thomas Episcopal Church BIIN has long relied on allied organizations, known as “community partners,” to support its mission in various ways:  by providing space for offices or…
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Immigrant Stories: Nicolas Aguirre

Immigrant Stories: Nicolas Aguirre Nicolas Aguirre shared his story with Carolina Kane, a BIIN intern in the summer of 2021, who wrote this profile. Originally from Guerrera, Mexico, Nicolas Aguirre…